• Quality Care for Children in a Home Setting


cartoon of two school-age children holding handsWe believe that children begin their developmental journey from the very beginning. Through play-based learning, we strive to inspire children to discover, create, and explore the world in which we live. Our curriculum is based on IL early learning guidelines (birth-3 years) and IL early learning standards (3-5 years). We create experiences and interactions specifically tailored to the children in care, considering age, development, home life, and daily observations. The environment is purposefully organized, the selection of toys and materials is deliberate, and the daily schedule is designed to assist in shaping a culture of learning.

Our curriculum covers all areas of development:

  • Social: To help children feel comfortable in a group setting, trust their environment, make friends, and think about the needs of others. 
  • Emotional: To help children experience pride and self-confidence, develop independence and self-control, identify and manage emotions, and have a positive attitude toward life. 
  • Cognitive: To help children become confident learners in all areas by allowing them opportunities to hypothesize, experiment, and experience success, by helping them acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions, and use words to describe their ideas, observations, and feelings. 
  • Physical: To help children increase their large and small muscle skills and feel confident about what their bodies can do. 

A Year At The Studio

Twelve curriculum themes are chosen for the year. Each theme is designed to be open-ended so that we can narrow the focus specifically for the age groups in care. Experiences and interactions pertain to the theme and are age and developmentally appropriate. Classroom items are rotated to enhance learning while also preventing material fatigue. Letters, numbers, shapes, and color concepts are integrated into daily experiences and conversations. 

*Detailed weekly lesson plans will be accessible to parents via HiMama app.* 

12 Main Curriculum Themes

September: All About Me / Same and Different

October: Farm

November: Community

December: Artistic Expression

January: Cold and Snow

February: Cooking

March: Author Studies

April: Transportation

May: Garden

June: Habitats

July: Water

August: Construction


Example of curriculum focus for Farm:

  • Birth to 3 years: farm animals, vegetables, farm animals, vegetables, fruits, farm chores, mother and baby animals 
  • 3 to 5 years: harvest, farm to table, vegetable planting, farm equipment and purpose